Try commands like "Ghost" and "Walk" to enable and disable noclip, as well as SetParagon x and SetRenegade x, where x is the number of Paragon or Renegade points you'd like. While some of the advanced ones, like those that let you add specific items, may conflict with alterations made by the Legendary Edition all the basic commands should remain exactly the same. Lists of console commands for each game can be found at the Mass Effect wiki.

(If you use tab to get rid of the UI in photo mode, note that left shift does the same thing.) If used to replace the existing file in the appropriate BioGame/CookedPCConsole directory (make sure to back up the original first), you'll be open the full console by pressing ~ and a mini-console by pressing tab. pcc files, providing a replacement Engine.pcc for all three games. First, enable the console by going to Documents>BioWare>Mass Effect>Config on your computer. The newer mod appears to be the first tinkering directly with. dll files and were at risk of being messed with by the games' DRM.

Previous mods to bring back the console involved renaming.